Operation Surf
“After 22 years in the Army (19 years married), nothing has come close to what Operation Surf provided in regards to an environment that allowed a complete mental reset while also building bonds with my spouse, comrades, and coaches/mentors”
— -Active Duty Special Operations Forces Participant August 2022
MeWater Foundation
“Just returned from a very special visit to Hollister Ranch, where we were able to take youth from @sbcasa surfing. The CASA program does incredible work supporting foster care youth, and the kids had an incredible day, for many (most) it was their first time surfing, and what a treat to be able to do so at Hollister. I will always be impressed by the resilience of foster care youth, as well as how incredibly grateful they are. Several youth shared it was one of the best days of their life. ❤️❤️❤️Very special thanks to @keithmalloy_thetorpedopeople @lauren_c_malloy for hosting us, as well as Hollister Ranch for making this special day happen.”
-MeWater Foundation
Operation Surf
“The Ranch to me was almost like going to a mythical and magical place, as an adult. I instantly felt that same feeling that I did as a child going to Disneyland for the first time. Pure happiness, in awe of all of the beauty around me, and just all around really excited to be there with my brothers and sisters; people who went with me to hell and back. I am grateful for the privilege to enjoy this part of California and the peace it brought me.”
—Jordan M. , Operation Surf Veteran Participant