Wild. Unbroken.
Native Californian Biodiversity.
The Galapagos of North America
The wild open coastline preserves of the Pt. Conception region of Santa Barbara County, California are one of the richest biodiversity havens in the world. The Hollister Ranch Preserve is a key part of a nearly 100-mile long coastal wilderness that is one the most unique and fragile wildlife corridors on Earth. From the Santa Ynez mountains to the coastline, native ocean and terrestrial wildlife and plant species have thrived for thousands of years. Here, our goal is to let the plants and animals tell the stories of time, and to honor and protect this wild open world with as few impacts as possible.
Download our wildlife checklist for an in-depth look at animals that call Hollister Ranch home.
Wildlife Corridor
Wildlife at The Hollister Ranch Preserve are able to roam freely, just as they have for thousands of years. From the Gaviota Coast to the hills above, wildlife such as mountain lion, bear, coyote, bobcats, deer and an array of smaller species, contribute to the rich diversity of native fauna.
Endangered Species
Hollister Ranch is a migratory paradise for over 250 species of birds. It is also home to the endangered Snowy Plover, which fledges here annually. Contiguous tracts of native vegetation provide high quality foraging habitat for up to 10 species of regionally rare or declining hawks and owls. Image via Audubon Society.
Marine Biodiversity
Hollister Ranch is considered to be one of the most diverse marine habitats left in the United States. Hollister Ranch is situated within a biogeographic boundary area cold and warm currents meet to create marine diversity. Wildlife is reflective of each biogeographic province.
Other Wildlife
You might be surprised to see bobcats hunting seagulls on the beach or to find black bear tracks on the beach. Southwestern Pond Turtles, Silvery Legless Lizards, Coast Horned Lizards, and numerous others are listed as “Species of Special Concern” by the California Dept. of Fish & Game.
Wildlife Cameras
There are a handful of wildlife cameras set up throughout Hollister Ranch to capture migratory patterns of the animals. You can visit our YouTube Channel to view more.